Carry Case – SpaceMouse Pro Wireless

3Dconnexion Carry Case spacemouse pro serie

Carry Case – SpaceMouse Pro Wireless

20,00 (Excl. TAX)
24,20 (Incl. TAX)

In stock

20,00 (Excl. TAX)
24,20 (Incl. TAX)

This carry case is custom made for the SpaceMouse Pro Wireless from 3Dconnexion. The carrying case consists of soft and unbreakable foam on the inside, and scratch-resistant hard exterior. So you can take your wireless SpaceMouse Pro anywhere without fear of damage.

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Compatible with: SpaceMouse Pro Wireless
Color: black
Exterior: scratch-resistant, EVA hard exterior
Inside: soft and unbreakable foam
Brand: 3Dconnexion

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