AutoCAD 2023 Handbook – ir. R. Boeklagen

AutoCAD 2024 Handboek

AutoCAD 2023 Handbook – ir. R. Boeklagen

60,00 (Excl. TAX)
65,40 (Incl. TAX)

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60,00 (Excl. TAX)
65,40 (Incl. TAX)

This AutoCAD 2023 handbook is suitable for both novice and experienced technical draftsmen in mechanical, architectural, electrical, and other fields. In this book you will learn to use the Autodesk software step by step through theory, instructions and exercises. Plus, it’s full of tips and hints that will help you become an AutoCAD professional.

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Features AutoCAD 2023 Handbook

New features AutoCAD 2023:

In this AutoCAD handbook you will find all the functions of AutoCAD, and especially the new functions of the latest versions of AutoCAD are explained in detail. For example, in this book you will learn about the new Count command extension, which allows you to control and count blocks. However, adding notes or traces has also been expanded this year and is discussed fully in this book. The smaller changes, such as the streamlined version of Mleader command and the extension to a Pline, are also included in this manual. Thus, after reading this book, you will be completely up to date with all the (new) features of AutoCAD 2023.

Dutch origin:

The AutoCAD 2023 book comes from Dutch soil. This will give you the right knowledge of the Dutch drawing standards such as: working in millimeters, use of color and layering.


This book is also great for reference work. For example, you’ll find complete graphical overviews of all functions. Also, features added in older versions are separately indicated. Thus, the experienced user knows how to quickly find his way around the new software.

Practical exercises:

In this book you will find hundreds of exercises that you can get started with right away. In addition, the author has put dozens of instructional videos on the Internet to demonstrate the exercises. This will give you an even better idea of AutoCAD 2023.

AutoCAD 2023 Handbook Specifications:
Title AutoCAD 2023, Computer Aided Design
Author ir. R. Boeklagen
Language Dutch
Publisher TEC / CAD College in Nijmegen, 024 3565677
Bookstore distribution Central Bookstore
ISBN 978-94-92250-53-7
Issue Bound with reading ribbon
Pages 1568 pages
Illustrations 1900
2D drawing 810 pages / 65 hours
3D Drawing 330 pages / 30 hours
Customize, with tool palettes and Macrorecorder Optimization 150 pages / 25 hours
Reference book 210 pages

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