Revit 2023 Handbook – ir. R. Boeklagen

Revit Handboek ir. R Boeklagen

Revit 2023 Handbook – ir. R. Boeklagen

60,00 (Excl. TAX)
65,40 (Incl. TAX)

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60,00 (Excl. TAX)
65,40 (Incl. TAX)

The ideal Revit 2023 manual for both the novice and experienced 3D draftsman in construction. This book will introduce you step by step to Autodesk Revit and all the features this CAD software offers. Learn to work with CAD and BIM from the first wall to the specification drawing. Learn using comprehensive theory, instructions and exercises.

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Features Revit 2023 Handbook

New features Revit 2023:

This book is specially created for Revit 2023, all new features are therefore covered in this book. Things have also changed because of updated insights. For example, the chapter on terrain has been completely revised and simplified because it is easier to download a 3D environment on the Internet. The chapter on installation technology has also been expanded.

Dutch origin:

The Revit 2023 manual is of Dutch origin. This means that the book is in Dutch and it uses Dutch construction methods. This will immediately give you the right knowledge for the Dutch market.

Practical exercises:

Revit, of course, is something you learn primarily by practicing. That’s why this book has included hundreds of exercises you can get started with right away. As an extra service, the author has also put dozens of instructional videos online to demonstrate the exercises. This way you will master Revit in no time.

Specifications Revit 2023 Handbook:
Title Revit 2023, Building Information Modeling
Author ir. R. Boeklagen
Language Dutch
Publisher TEC / CAD College in Nijmegen, 024 3565677
Bookstore distribution Central Bookstore
ISBN 978-94-92250-57-5
Issue Bound with reading ribbon
Pages 1648 pages

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